Cinnabon looking for Fospice

Cinnabon is a beautiful girl that would like to share her story 💜🐾

Cinnabon came to us with two other dogs late February as strays never to be reclaimed. The two boys she was with have since been adopted. Cinnabon is around 4 years old and believed to be a Rottweiler/mastiff mix. She is the sweetest girl who just loves to be loved on, eat treats and relax in her pool.

At the end of May we noticed Cinnabon was losing weight, 100% healthy otherwise and acting normal. We made her an appointment to get checked out, she was given a stronger wormer and had a fecal done to be sure everything was in the clear. Her fecal came back negative for parasites.
We scheduled an abdominal ultrasound to take a look at what was going on and decide the next move. All while still continuing to lose weight but still acting like her happy active self no other symptoms or issues going on.
She had her ultrasound at the end of June and unfortunately a mass was found in her abdomen appears cancerous.

She and all of our dogs deserve the world but she needs a little extra TLC and we would love to find that for her! If you’d like to foster, adopt or even come hangout with Cinnabon and spoil this sweet girl she would really love it. Take her for a hike, a swim, bring her a pup cup or just sit with her in the yard. 💜🐾